The innovative features of the industrial vacuum cleaner 4.0 connected

The innovative features of the industrial vacuum cleaner 4.0 connected
October 25, 2022 ivision_vacuum

The innovative 4.0 connected vacuum cleaner is the right solution to face the challenges of the future established by Industry 4.0. Here, the topic of digitization plays a crucial role: it is about connecting the physical world with the virtual world and gaining a production and method advantage from it.

What does the term industry 4.0 mean

The term Industry 4.0 generally refers to industrial automation. The aim is to introduce new production technologies in order to maximize the quality of working conditions and machinery productivity. In this framework, the innovative and versatile 4.0 connected iVision Vacuum cleaner fits perfectly.

Read more about the features of Industry 4.0 here.

The innovative industrial vacuum cleaner

The 4.0 connected industrial vacuum cleaner is the most innovative on the market because, compared to other traditional vacuum cleaners, it is the only one with smart features.

It is digitally evolved and allows the worker to have a full and easy control on it, increasing business productivity. It also is one of the most versatile industrial vacuum cleaners on the market: it can be used for any type of processing and combined with any industrial machinery.

Innovative features of 4.0 connected vacuum cleaner

The innovative features of the 4.0 connected industrial vacuum cleaner are:

  1. Remote Monitoring
  2. Cloud Computing
  3. Real Time support

To find out the rest of the features of 4.0 connected read more here.

1. Remote Monitoring

4.0 connected is a high-tech vacuum cleaner that can be remotely monitored. It is non only the action of switching it on and off, but the constant monitoring of device’s “vital signs”. Thanks to the patented iVision Vacuum technology, you can monitor the wear state of the filter or other parameters useful for a perfect operation of the vacuum cleaner. When necessary, the system directly sends an alert notification to the worker for possible interventions.

2. Cloud Computing

The Cloud Computing system of the 4.0 connected allows the storage of daily received  information from device’s activity. Every day, by collecting valuable information, 4.0 connected monitors the maintenance and the performance level of the vacuum cleaner.

3. Real Time Support

The 4.0 connected industrial vacuum cleaner, thanks to its artificial intelligence, can identify anomalies and notify them to the operator in real time. It appears an alert on the vacuum’s touch screen interface, allowing the operator to receive immediatly support from iVision Vacuum Customer Service.