Filtration system in industrial vacuum cleaners: what it is and why it is important

By ivision_vacuum in News

When you buy a vacuum cleaner, you generally pay attention to its technical characteristics, such as the engine power, the types of materials sucked in, the capacity of the container, the air flow and the head. In rare cases, we focus on the filtration system present in the machinery.

Still, the filter is one of the most important parts of the industrial vacuum cleaner. This is because the quality of the air that is reintroduced into the workplace and, therefore, the safety and health of the operators depend on it. Furthermore, another essential function of the filter is to protect the suction head (whether this consists of a fan or a side channel blower), the beating heart of the suction unit, to prevent it from being damaged by the sucked material.

Depending on the type of dust and its level of danger, the filters are divided into different categories according to the IEC 60335-2-69 regulation:

  • Class L: moderate risk. The filter is capable of retaining 99% of dust smaller than 2 microns. This classification includes dusts with MAC values ​​(Maximum Allowable Concentration in the workplace) bigger than 1 mg/m3.
  • Class M: medium risk. The filter is capable of retaining 9% of dust smaller than 2 microns. This classification includes dust with MAC values ​​bigger than 0.1 mg/m3 and dust derived from wood.
  • Class H: high risk. The filter is capable of retaining 995% of dust smaller than 1 micron. This classification includes dusts with MAC values ​​lower than 0.1 mg/m3, carcinogenic dusts and those contaminated with pathogens.

The filtering system of your industrial vacuum cleaner is therefore not a trivial matter. For this, at iVision Vacuum we use very high quality filters, capable of capturing any impurity or particle. To prevent these from being reintroduced into the work environment and therefore putting workers’ health at risk, it is necessary that the filter is cleaned often, making sure that it works properly.

Contact us to find out more about the most suitable filter for your industrial vacuum cleaner!



    HEPA è l’acronimo utilizzato per la definizione “High Efficiency Particulate Air”. E’ un tipo di filtro per aspiratore con un particolare sistema di filtrazione ad elevata efficienza per fluidi, liquidi o gas. Ha la capacità di intrappolare una quantità molto elevata di particelle di dimensioni molto ridotte, capacità che altri filtri per aspiratori non hanno. Ci sono infatti diverse categorie di filtri (L/ M/ H), e diverse categorie di filtri HEPA, che hanno resa più efficiente a seconda del materiale da aspirare. HEPA è un filtro per aspiratore composto da foglietti filtranti in microfibra (generalmente in borosilicato) assemblati in più strati, e separati da setti in alluminio. I foglietti filtranti hanno il compito di bloccare le particelle solide inquinanti (o particolato). Le particelle solide sono molto piccole e possono risultare nocive per la salute o possono pregiudicare la qualità del prodotto finale che si desidera ottenere. I filtri HEPA fanno parte della categoria dei cosiddetti “filtri assoluti”, giustificato dal fatto che tali filtri hanno una elevata efficienza di filtrazione. In particolare, i filtri HEPA presentano un’efficienza di filtrazione compresa tra l’85% (H10) e il 99,995% (H14). L’efficienza di filtrazione delle particelle di 0.3 µm, è regolata dalle norme UNI EN 1822.